After losing her newborn baby, Lisa the dog became severely emaciated, weak, and anemic.

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The idea of getting rid of your beloved pet may not even cross your mind, but unfortunately, cohabitation between humans and animals doesn’t always go smoothly.

There are many pets out there who are defenseless, unloved, and sad, like Lisa, a pregnant dog who was found lying on the cold asphalt after being brutally beaten. Despite efforts to rescue her and her puppies, it was too late, and Lisa lost all of her babies due to rectal prolapse and depression.

Sadly, Lisa’s story is not unique. Many voiceless creatures like her have to suffer the lack of love and care from beings they trusted and believed in. Thankfully, Lisa was rescued by a pro-animal rights group who carefully approached her to help her recover. Though it was a difficult process, Lisa is now healing and making progress. She is feeding well, calmer, and gaining weight.

It’s heartbreaking to think about why someone would treat an innocent creature so cruelly. Lisa was severely thin, weak, and anemic due to mistreatment during her pregnancy and the loss of her newborns. Even after being rescued, she was afraid and defensive, and needed critical fluids administered through a syringe.

If you want to help make a difference for voiceless animals like Lisa, please share her story with your friends and family.